Welcome to SEAD Technology



Welcome to SEAD technology! We are dedicated to the promotion of truth and universal knowledge, the prevention of disease and the search for the latest technological advancements in alternative technologies that really do work. This website is here to help you understand the SEAD machine and how it operates, as well as how one can benefit your life and promote your free spirit. 

We hope to always give our customers the best products, tech support and the most accurate information available with the most reasonable prices around. We are also here to answer any questions you may have and make sure you have as much information about this device and its history before you purchase one for yourself. You will find a history of the technology and the device itself, as well as benefits to your life and your health, units and how they are priced and sold, a how-to on using the device in your home, a frequently-asked-questions list, and contact information for any other questions or concerns you may have.

 “Three passions, simple, but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.” 


Bertrand Russell,  1967


The information provided on this website, is intended to be used for educational and experimental purposes only.  It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease or medical condition.  The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.  Subsequently, the information on this website shall not be misconstrued as medical advice, implied or otherwise.  We make no claims as to its effectiveness on ones overall health or any illness, prevention, or reversal.  The SEAD is for personal research and experimental purposes only.  Any other conclusions as to its effectiveness relies completely on the responsibility of the user.